CPSC 4820 - DAY 10 MARCH 1, 2018 ================================================================================ Vertical vs. Horizontal Scaling -Vertical Scaling - Change in specifications of instances (CPU, mem) -Horizontal Scaling - Change in the number of instances. Cloudwatch alarms - can perform an action based on a particular metric. Cloudwatch holds logs to see what happens within your system. Autoscaling prevents you from having to guess what your needs are and also prevent wasted resources. How do you decide on minimum capacity size? -Depends on whether someone would always be using the system -Depending on the time/ days that people will use. Minimum of 2 instances (1 in each AZ) for high availability. Scaling with RDS ---------------- Scale nodes vertically up or down AWS Lambda ---------- AWS Lambda - fully managed compute service that runs stateless code (Node.js, Java, Python, C#) in response to an event. Scaling events can trigger AWS Lambda functions Code run in AWS lambda has access to AWS api and can be granted permissions Can use boto commands, use aws cli, etc.