CPSC 3600 - DAY 12 FEBRUARY 22, 2017 ================================================================================ FDM Variations Spread Spectrum Method to combat interference Splits the channel into 1/K carriers. Transmit all of the data over each of the carriers. Use the copy that arrives with the fewest amount of errors Intended for use in scenarios where interference is expected. Hierarchial FDM It is possible for multiplexors to group multiple signals into one using a hierarchy of frequencies. Wavelenght Division Multiplexing Refers to the application of frequency division multiplexing to optical fiber Multiplexing, demultiplexing with light. Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) Doesn't rely on electromagnetic energy as FDM does. Simply transmits an item from one source to another over time. Synchronous TDM Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing is a type of TDM in which data is transmitted continuously with no breaks between data items. Senders in STDM use a round-robin ordering to send items, with each sender taking turns sending some information. An item from sender one is processed, then from sender two, etc. TDM for Telephone Systems Phones use synchronous TDM Demultiplexor can't tell where a data stream slot ends and begins To prevent this, an alternating framing bit is added to the start of the data stream in each round. The demultiplexor looks for alternating framing bit to tell if it is synchronized or not. The data can be retransmitted if there is an error. Hierarchial TDM Like FDM, TDM can be arranged in an hierarchy. Instead of using N times the frequency, each successive stage uses N times the bit rate, thus the bit rate of each layer is roughly equal to the aggregate bit rates of it's inputs (slightly higher due to the addition of extra framing bits) Problems with Synchronous TDM: Unfilled Slot STDM works very well if each sender produces data at a uniform, fixed rate (1/N of the capacity of the shared medium) However, not all sources produce data at a constant rate; many have idle time where they are not generating data, which does not work well with STDM If the sender does not have data to send when it is their turn in the round-robin order, a sequence of "nothing" (like a value of 0 with an extra bit set to indicate invalidity) must be sent. Statistical TDM The issue: Receivers can usualy be identified by the slot it is sent in. But the slots are arbitrary in statistical TDM The solution Extra overhead Each slot gets a receiver identifier. Code Division Multiplexing Each sender is assigned a unique binary code C_i called a chip sequence which are orthogonal vectors. As well, each sender has a value to transmit, V_i The senders multiply C_i x V_i and transmit the result The senders transmit at the same time and add the result To get the value of V_i, you have to multiply the sum by C_i (Similar to CDMA in Cell Phones) +--------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------+ | Sender | Chip Sequence | Data Value | +--------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------+ | A | 1 0 | 1010 | +--------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------+ | B | 1 1 | 0110 | +--------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------+ First, convert the binary values to vectors, with 0 represented as -1 C_1 = (1, -1), V_1 = (1, -1, 1, -1) C_2 = (1, 1), V_2 = (-1, 1, 1, -1) Multiply C1xV1 and C2xV2 ((1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, 1)) ((-1, -1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (-1, -1)) The receiver then treats the sequence as a vector, finding the product of the vector and chip sequence, treats that result as a sequence, then converts to binary by treating all positive numbers as 1's and negative numbers as 0's