CPSC 3600 - DAY 13 MARCH 6, 2017 ================================================================================ ACCESS AND INTERCONNECTION TECHNOLOGIES --------------------------------------- Internet Access Technology - data communications system that connects an internet subscriber to an internet service provider Narrowband - technologies that deliver data up to 128Kbps ex. T1, Dialup, ISDN Broadband - high data rates 1Mbps+ ex. DSL, Cable Modem, Wireless access, T1 or higher speed Local loop - physical connection between a telephone company and subscriber's location The local loop consists of twisted pair and often has higher bandwidth than the rest of the phone ssytem DSL - one of the main technologies used to supply high speed data com ADSL - most widely used variant and the type most residential customers use. ADSL uses Discrete Multi Tone modulation (DMT), which combines freq. multiplexing and inversing multiplexing DMT is implemented by dividing bandwidth into 286 subchannels 255 for Downstream 31 for Upstream Maximum theoretical speeds for ADSL Range from 8.448 Mb/s downstream and 640Kb/s upstream Mandatory control channel which requires 64Kb/s on upstream channel Installation requires splitter Uses freqency division multiplexing, divides bandwidth according to high and low frequencies passive divide splitter installed where the local loop enters a structure Cable Modem limitations of telephone local loop high bandwidth higher tolerance to electrical interference FDM signal splitting in pace for the many channels delivered silmultaneously Theoretical Data Rates for Cable Modems 52 Mb/s downstream 512 Kb/s upstream Hybrid Fiber Coax Combination of coaxial cables and optical fibers Fiber to neighborhood, cable to houses Fiber to the curb Similar to HFC, runs as close to subscriber Fiber to the building Optical fiber to the building, used in office buildings Fiber to the home Optical fiber to home/ residential subscribers Fiber to the Premises Refers to FTTB and FTTH Head-end modem refers to the modem used at the central office Tail-End Modem refers to modem used at the subscriber's location DOCSIS specifies both the format of data that can be sent as well as the messages that are used to request service (pay-per-view) Wireless Access Technologies Rural areas are the most difficult WIMAX 3G services Satellite Access technologies handle the last mile problem Core - connection between providers +---------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------+ | Name | Bit Rate | Voice Circuit | Location | +---------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------+ | T1 | 1.544 Mbps | 24 | North America | +---------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------+ | T2 | 6.312 Mbps | 96 | North America | +---------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------+ | T3 | 44.736 Mbps | 672 | North America | +---------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------+ | E1 | 2.048 Mbps | 30 | Europe | +---------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------+ | E2 | 8.448 Mbps | 120 | Europe | +---------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------+ | E3 | 34.368 Mbps | 480 | Europe | +---------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------+