CPSC 2310 - DAY 2 AUGUST 19, 2016 ===================================================================================== . prior to von Neumann, special memories (e.g., mercury delay tubes, vacuum tubes) were used to store data, and programs were either stored in separate memories or physically wired-up on plugboards • von Neumann is credited with the idea of "stored program" computers, where the program is stored in the same memory as the data and indeed can be treated like data Simple Computer System | CPU | |Cache| | -----------------------------------------------------------bus | | | | |memory| |controller| |controller| |controller| | | |keyboard | |display | |disk | CPU composed of two parts . datapath (temporary memory, called registers, and function units) . control logic ( sequencing of datapath actions) . different instruction sets: Intel (x86), IBM PowerPC, Sun SPARC, ARM, etc. common instructions include add, subtract, jumb, etc. Assembly language is architecture specific. Higher level languages are "Portable" CPU registers are the most expensive (about 15 on ARM) DRAM - most main memories SRAM - fast and expensive, used for caches ROM - initial "bootstrap" loader program and basic I/O programs