CPSC 4820 - DAY 2 JANUARY 16, 2018 ================================================================================ Four Pillars of Cost Optimization -Right sizing -Reserved instances -Increase Elasticity -Monitor and Improve Right-sizing -Select the appropriate instance types EC2 - Elastic Compute Cloud -On-demand -Reserved -Spot -Dedicated Reserved Instances ------------------ -RI coverage - cover always on resources, target 70-80% always on coverage. -RI utilization - leverage flexibility to increase utilization. Merge and split RIs as needed. Target 95% RI utilization rate. Increase Elasticity ------------------- -Turn off non-production instances -Auto scale prodduction - use Auto Scaling to scale up and down based on demand and usage. Total Cost of Ownership ----------------------- -On-premesis/co-location vs. cloud deployment -Acquisition cost + operating costs -Entire infrastructure environment for a specific workload. -Harder to calculate total cost. Regions and Availability Zones ------------------------------ Region A.Z. Associated with a global/geographic location X Consists of clustered data centers X Connected by a low latency link X Isolated from failures X X For high availability, provision EC2s across multiple X An EC2 can be used only in the __ where you created it X Edge location is where end users access services located on the AWS platform. They are located in most of the major cities around the world and provide a point-of-prescence using CloudFront to distribute content to end users with reduced latency. An AWS edge location hosts a robust content delivery network that can be used to deliver entire web sites and dynamic, static and streaming content. Requests for content are automatically routed to the nearest edge location, so content is delivered with the best possible performance. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) ---------------------------------- Amazon EC2 instances are virtualized servers in Amazon's data centers. Amazon EC2 is designed to make web-scale computing faster for developers. Amazon EC2 reduces the time required to obtain and boot new server instances, which helps you quickly scale capacity. Instance Lifecycle ------------------ -Pending -Running -Shutting-down -rebooting -stopped -terminated Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) ---------------------------------- -Storage for the internet -Natively online, HTTP online -Highly scalable -Objects up to 5 TB -unlimited number of objects in a bucket -S3 Versioning prevents from accidental overwrites and deletes -Generates a new version with every upload. -Allows easy retrieval of deleted objects or roll back to previous versions.