CPSC 2310 - DAY 5 AUGUST 26, 2016 ================================================================================ random-access, one-dimensional memory (vs. sequential memories) -stored program, no distinction between instructions and data -binary, parallel by word, two's complement (vs. decimal, serial by digit, sign magnitude) -instruction fetch/execute cycle, branch by explicit change of PC (vs following a link adress from one instruction to the next) -memory contains series of bits grouped into addressable units -data is accessed in memory by naming memory addresses (like a big array) -addresses are consecutive binary integers (unsigned) this is convenient for addressing arrays and sequentially stepping through the program -bit strings have no inherent data type - can be integer, character string, machine instructionk, or garbage - MACHINE DOESN'T KNOW DATA TYPE!!! VARIETIES OF PROCESSORS ----------------------- 1. stack machine - operands are on stack, push from memory/pop into memory 2. accumulator machine - as discussed earlier 3. load/store machine - computational instructions operate on general registers and load/store instructions are only ones that access memory. MAR - stores the addresses of data. only tells addresses MDR - handles I/O