CPSC 3600 - DAY 5 JANUARY 23, 2017 ================================================================================ NETWORK SOFTWARE: THE PROTOCOL HIERARCHY ---------------------------------------- .To reduce design complexity, most networks are organized as a series or hierarchy of layers. .Depending on its functionality, a layer may be implemented in software or hardware or both. .Layer n on one machine communicates with layer n on another machine on the network using an agreed upon protocol. .The entities comprising the corresponding layers on two communicating machines over the network are called peers. .A protocol is an agreement between the communicating layers on how the communication is to proceed: .A formal description of message formats and rules the two layers must follow to exchange those messages. .Protocol definitions range from how bits are placed on a wire to the format of an email message. .Standard protocols allow different manufacturer's computers to communicate. These computers can user completely different software/hardware, provided each computer's software can agree upon the meaning of data. HOST 1 HOST 2 +---------------+ LAYER 5 PROTOCOL +---------------+ | LAYER 5 |<----------------------------->| LAYER 5 | +---------------+ +---------------+ L 4/5 INTERFACE +---------------+ LAYER 4 PROTOCOL +---------------+ | LAYER 4 |<----------------------------->| LAYER 4 | +---------------+ +---------------+ L 3/4 INTERFACE +---------------+ LAYER 3 PROTOCOL +---------------+ | LAYER 3 |<----------------------------->| LAYER 3 | +---------------+ +---------------+ L 2/3 INTERFACE +---------------+ LAYER 2 PROTOCOL +---------------+ | LAYER 2 |<----------------------------->| LAYER 2 | +---------------+ +---------------+ L 1/2 INTEFACE +---------------+ +---------------+ | LAYER 1 |<----------------------------->| LAYER 1 | +---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHYSICAL MEDIUM | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ .In reality, no data is transferred from layer n on any two machines Data and control information is passed to the layer below. .Additional information including protocol control information may be appended by each layer to data as it travels from higher to lower layers in the form of layer headers. .Below layer 1 is the physical medium where the actual communication occurs (copper wire, optical fibers, wireless channel, etc.) .Between adjacent layers, an interface defines which primitave operations and services the lower layer offers to the upper layer. .The set of layers and associated protocols is called a network architecture. DESIGN ISSUES FOR THE LAYERS ---------------------------- .Reliability .Error detection: retransmission is needed when information is received incorrectl. .Error correction: message recovered from incorrect bits. .Routing: automatically finds an alternative route from a source to a destination when a link is broken. .Scalability .Protocol layering: divides the overall problem and hides implementation details. .Addressing/naming: identifies senders and recievers. .Resource allocation .Statistical multiplexing: allocating bandwidth dynamically according to the short-term needs of hosts. .Flow control: feedback from the receiver to the sender is used to overcome the fast sender - slow reciever problem. .Congestion: too many computers want to send too much traffic at the same time. .Real-time: timeliness of delivery. .Quality of service: high throughput, low latency. .Security: defending the network against threats. .Confidentiality: prevents eavesdropping on communications. .Authentication: prevents someone from impersonating someone else. .Integerity: prevents changes to messages. TYPES OF NETWORK LAYER SERVICES ------------------------------- .Connection-oriented Service: .a connection is established. Information expected to be received in the order sent. The connection is released when the data transmission is completed. Ex. TCP .Connectionless Service: .Each message carries the full destination address and routed through the system independent of other messages. The messages may arrive out of order Ex. UDP. THE OSI REFERENCE MODEL ----------------------- 1. APPLICATION LAYER 2. PRESENTATION LAYER 3. SESSION LAYER 4. TRANSPORT LAYER 5. NETWORK LAYER 6. DATA LINK LAYER 7. PHYSICAL LAYER