CPSC 3600 - DAY 5 JANUARY 23, 2017 ================================================================================ REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS --------------------- .After recieving the requirements from the customer. .Refine the requirements .Develop User Scenerios .Develop Use Cases .Ensure the developers understanding of the requirements matches the customers .Understanding the public domain. .Make high-level estimations UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM DOMAIN -------------------------------- .System to be developed. .Actors .Agents external to the system .Ex. other systems already in use by the customer. .Concepts/Objects .Agents working inside the system. .Ex. the database designed by you and in use in the system. .Use Cases .Scenerios for using the system. .Ex. anything that the actor would try to get done. ebay - a customer bidding on an item. ATM EXAMPLE ----------- .Domain model (model created with help of domain expert). USE CASES --------- .Capture functional requirements .Contain related scenarios .sequence of steps. .Describe the interactions between users and system. .One thing that could happen. .Related scenarios are grouped together into a use case. .Based on shared steps and goals .External view of the system .Not tied to specific classes.