CPSC 3600 - DAY 6 JANUARY 25, 2017 ================================================================================ LAYERS OF OSI ------------- .Physical Layer .This layers is concerned with the transmission of bits, making sure that when a sender sends a 1 bit, it is recieved as a 1 bit, not as a 0 bit. .Some of the issues handled in this layer are: .How many volts for 0, how many for 1. .Number of bits per second to be transmitted. .Whether it is a one-way or two-way communication. .Many standards have been developed for serial communication lines .Data Link Layer .This layer groups bits into frames and ensures their correct delivery, free of errors. .It adds some bits at the beginning and the end of each frame plus the checksum. Receiver of the frame verifies the checksum and requests retransmission if the checksum is not correct. .Checksum are extra bits that are used to determine whether the data is correct. .Logical Link Control and Medium Access Control Sublayers .The Logical Link Control (LLC) defines how data is transferred over the network medium (cable, wireless) and provides data link service to higher layers. .The Medium Access Control (MAC) layer defines who can use the network medium when multiple computers are trying to access it simultaneously. .For example: token passing or Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance for Ethernet. .MAC layer is used to avoid collisons between machines trying to communicate at the same time. .Network Layer .This layer is concerned with the transmission of packets. How packets are routed from source to destination. It takes routing decisions, eg. the best path to send a packet. .Congestion occurs when too many packets are present at the same time. .In broadcast networks, the routing problem is simple, so the network layer is often thin or even nonexistent .The network layer may be quite complex in a large network. .Transport Layer .This layer ensures reliable service and deals with lost messages. .It breaks the messages into smaller packets, assigns sequence number and sends them. .Examples are the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User datagram Protocol (UDP). .Session Layer .Very few applications use this layer. It is mostly an enhanced version of the transport layer. .It facilitates dialog control (keeping track of whose turn to transmit), token management (preventing two parties from attempting the same critical operation simultaneously) and synchronization (checkpointing long transmissions). .Many network implementations do not support it. For example, Internet suite does not support this layer. .Presentation Layer .Very few applications use this layer. This layer is concerned with the syntax and semantics of the information transmitted. .It defines records and fields in them. The sender can tell the receiver about the format. .It makes machines with different internal representations to communicate. .Application Layer .This is a collection of miscellaneous protocosl for high level applications. .Typical services are electronic mail, file transfer, web browsing, connecting to remote terminals, etc. .Protocols including HTTP, FTP, telnet, etc. .The layers of the OSI Reference Model were never fully adopted by a real network architecture. TCP/IP REFERENCE MODEL ---------------------- +----------------------------------------+ | APPLICATION | LAYER 5 +----------------------------------------+ | TRANSPORT | LAYER 4 +----------------------------------------+ | INTERNET | LAYER 3 +----------------------------------------+ | NETWORK INTERFACE | LAYER 2 +----------------------------------------+ | PHYSICAL | LAYER 1 +----------------------------------------+ .Physical Layer: specifies details about the underlying transmission medium, the associated hardware, electrical properties, radio frequency and signals. .Network Interface Layer/ MAC layer: specifies details about the communication over a single network, network addresses, and the max packet size. .Internet Layer: specifies communication