CPSC 3720 - DAY 7 JANUARY 27, 2017 ================================================================================ For this example, we will assume that we are employees at Amazon. Amazon sells products themselves, but also has users who sell products through the amazon service. Amazon would like to allow those users to sell items in an auction format, similar to eBay. Since Amazon already has services to sell items, many of the systems are already available, such as payment methods, listing an item for sale, searching for an item, viewing an item, emailing users, calculating shipment, purchasing shipping labels, and logging into the system. A customer wants to bid on an item that they are already viewing. When they bid the system will display the current bid, and the lowest next bid allowable (50 cents more than the current bid). The user can then enter the maximum amount they would like to bid. If the user has not logged in within the last 5 minutes (check with the security system) then they are considered “inactive.” If the user is inactive the system should ask them to provide their password again before continuing. The system should verify the password with the security system. The amount the user enters as a bid must be higher than the minimum amount allowed. The system will then apply their bid to the item, and commence any automatic bidding (due to maximum bids being set by users). Automatic bidding is an included use case. The system will then display the current bid, as well as the current winner (not the final winner). The system will then notify anyone who has bid on this item of the change in the current bid. USE CASE 1 ---------- Title: Bid on an item. Primary Actor: Customer Secondary Actor: Seller, other bidders, security system, item database, messaging system. Preconditions: Customer is viewing the item, they are logged in, auction is active. Guarantees: Success: Minimal: .New current bid .System has not billed anyone .Notifications sent Triggers: Customer finds item and indicates that they want to bid. Goal Level: Sea Level Main Success Scenario: Extensions: 1. System displays current bid and 2a. max amount < lowest allowed next bid. i. display "bid too low" ii. return MSS step 2 2. Customer enters the maximum amount 3a. Customer is inactive that they want to bid. i. system asks for passwd ii. customer provides passwd 3. System checks if customer is active iii. return to MSS step 3 with security system. 4a. current bid < other customer max bid. 4. System accepts new bid as lowest bid i. AUTOBID system starts allowable. ii. finishes AUTOBID iii. return to MSS step 5 5. System displays current bid winner and next allowable bid. 6. Notify seller and all customers via auctioning system.