CPSC 3600 - DAY 8 FEBRUARY 6, 2017 ================================================================================ INTERNET APPLICATIONS (PART 2) ------------------------------ .Simple Mail Transfer Protocol: .Follows a stream paradigm, .Uses textual control messages .Only transfers plain text messages .Allows a sender to specify recipients' names and check names .Sends one copy of a given message. .Special purpose email interface application .Advantages .Downloading entire mailbox to local machine .Ability to create drafts without internet .Mail Access Protocol .POP3 - Post Office Protocol Version 3 .IMAP - Internet Mail Access Protocol .Email Representation Standards .Request for Comments 2822 Mail Message Format .Header Section .Blank line .Body .Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) .Header .MIME-Version(typically 1.0) .Content-type .Content Disposition .Content-Transfer-Encoding .Body .MIME builds off of SMTP, meaning it can transfer non-text data in a message. .Domain Name System .Maps human-readable symbolic names to computer addresses .Uses by browsers, mail software and most other internet apps .names are hierarchial .Caching in DNS Servers .Spatial: which states that a user will tend to look up names of local computers over names of remote computers. .Temporal: states that a user will tend to look up the same domain names. .Each entry of DNS consists of three parts: Domain Name: mentioned before Record Type Value .Example Record types .MX - Mail exchange, connects to the email servers .TXT - This type provides text information outside your domain .CNAME - Canonical Name Record, links domain names with alias it may have. .A - Address, links domain to an ip address