CPSC 3720 - DAY 8 JANUARY 30, 2017 ================================================================================ USE CASE - USE CASE RELATIONSHIPS --------------------------------- .<> .Handles redundancies in use cases .Only if multiple use cases share that behavior .<> .Include the behavior of the extension for certain conditions .Exceptional cases .Keeps use cases similar .Ex. handling log in errors .security questions .reset password .Actors are always drawn as stick figures .System boundry represents what is internal/external to system. REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION -------------------------- .Final stage of requirements engineeriong .Output of the requirements engineering process .Semi-formal or formal description of the requirements .Could contain .Written documentation .Graphical models .Mathematical models .Use cases .Prototype .Etc .Agile and iterative methods have less formal specification requirments .Must validate that the requriements specification is complete, consistent, unambiguous and correct. .Complete .All possible scenarios within the system are described .Consistent .No requirements contradict another requirement .Unambiguous .Exactly one system is defined. .No other possible interpretation .Correct .Accurately represent what the client needs and what developers intend to build .Requirements specification should be realistic, verifiable and traceable .Realistic .The system can be implemented .Verifiable .Repeatable tests can be built to demonstrate the system meets the requirements .Acceptance Tests .Traceable .Each requirement can be traced throughout the development process to it's corresponding system functions .Dependency tracking .Aids in evaluating changes