CPSC 2150 - DAY 9 SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 ================================================================================ Interface Specification Stack -Last in first out structure Interfaces reduce confusion among a team of developers Dual Ideas of Specification .Information hiding - hide details unnecessary to use the interface .Abstraction - provide explanation or cover story Users should not have to depend on implementation details Strings ------- can be thought of as a series of zero or more entries of any other mathematical type, say T. We will call this Str(T) Also denoted in computing foundations as T* String is a programming type in Java, str(T) is a mathematical structure, like a set Unlike sets, there may be duplicate entries(in fact there may be as many as you want) The empty string, a string with no entries < > or empty_string Concatenation of strings s and t, <1,2> o <3, 2> = <1, 2, 3, 2> < > o <5, 2, 13> = <5, 2, 13> < > o < > = < > the length of a string is denoted by |s| #this - value before pop from strings from the left